8 marca ( czwartek) Angelina Jolie uczestniczyła w szczycie fundacji "Kobieta na Świecie" ,które odbyła się w Nowym Yorku. 36letnia aktorka, spotkała między innymi sekretarz Stanu Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sandrą Uwiringiyimana, laureatką Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla - Leymah Gbowee, czy Meryl Streep. Celem tej fundacji jest rozwiązanie głównych problemów kobiet i dziewcząt.
Angelina Jolie was decked out in Gucci last night at the third annual Women in the World Summit conference held at NYC's Lincoln Center. It wasInternational Women's Day and Angelina's on the East Coast to participate in the three-day conference. She is among the impressive group of speakers, including
Hillary Clinton,
Nancy Pelosi, and
Diane von Furstenberg. The inspirational leaders are in the Big Apple to discuss a range of topics that include foreign issues, the global economic crisis, and other challenges facing women around the globe. Angelina took the stage to address the crowd, and also took a few moments to catch up with Newsweek and The Daily Beast editor Tina Brown, as well as IMF chief Christine Lagarde.